Our vision is to see children’s lives transformed, communities empowered and poverty reduced throughout Kampala’s slums. Our projects aim to make a positive change and contribute to community-led development that is truly sustainable.
We take a look at the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals and how our projects in Kampala contribute to them.
What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
In September 2015, the 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda was introduced as an action plan to tackle key global challenges. The UN established 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), which cover a range of social, economic and environmental issues. According to the UN, achieving these goals means securing a more just future for all.
Through our work in Uganda, which supports children and families in Kampala’s slums to survive and thrive, we are making sustainable change in relation to the following Development Goals…
SDG 1: No Poverty
Agenda 2030 states that eradicating poverty in all its forms, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge. According to the most recent statistics on global poverty, around 700 million people in the world live in extreme poverty (on less than $1.90 per day). This population is concentrated in the Global South, with a significant proportion residing in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Families in Uganda’s slums are some of the most vulnerable to extreme poverty. In the slums, there is a high dependency on informal work and 85% of those employed in the informal sector live below the poverty line.
Through our skilling projects, we are tackling poverty by offering free vocational training and business skills across Kampala’s slums. These workshops support people to generate an income for their families and become more financially self-sufficient. Some of our recent projects have provided skills in: carpentry, craft making, tailoring and knitting.
“I am very proud of the skill I have acquired, as it is going to change my life forever... I believe it is going to help me meet the needs of my family.” Rita*, one of the graduates from our tailoring and knitting course.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
The second UN goal aims to create a world free of hunger by 2030. In the context of Uganda, this goal is closely related to SDG 1, as poverty continues to limit people’s access to nutritious food. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, hunger rates and all forms of malnutrition - particularly in children - have been exacerbated.
There is a cost of living crisis in Uganda, in which food prices have risen significantly over the past two years. Therefore, the number of people going hungry, resulting in food insecurity is rising. World Food Programme statistics show that 29% of children under the age of 5 in Uganda are stunted due to malnutrition.
In 2020, we launched an emergency appeal to provide food parcels to vulnerable families. With the support of our communities, we converted our classrooms into four community food banks and provided 2.7 million food parcels to over 58,000 families. During the pandemic, food banks were a lifeline to so many families in Kampala’s slums.
“The food packages helped my family survive the bad days of the lockdown. We are so grateful for all the help given to us.” - Maria* received food parcels for her family during the pandemic
Moving forward, we will continue to run our feeding projects and work to address some of the root causes of food insecurity in the slum communities.
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 4 aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. School in Uganda is not free. For many families in Kampala’s slums, sending their children to school can be unaffordable.

At Kids Club Kampala, we believe that all children have the right to access a good education. We know that education is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of poverty. Our educating projects support children in the slums of Kampala to access and enjoy a quality education.
Our Encouraging Education project provides free education to young children who would otherwise have no access to an education. The classes are designed to follow the Ugandan curriculum and are taught by Ugandan teachers, from Monday to Friday throughout the year. Our aim is that the children will be inspired to attend school and continue their learning journey.
The Encouraging Education project also gives children a safe place to go every day, protecting them from the dangers of life in the urban slums. After lessons, each child also receives a nutritious meal, which helps to tackle malnutrition and contributes to an improvement in their overall health and wellbeing. A parent recently told us:
“Annie* had to stop going to school because I was no longer able to afford the school fees. I then learnt about the free Kids Club Kampala Encouraging Education project. I registered Annie* immediately! She has been doing really well. Her teachers are kind and they always provide school books for her to learn.” - Parent
Furthermore, our School Sponsorship programme supports some of the most vulnerable children in Kampala to access a formal education by covering their school fees. Beth* explains how the School Sponsorship programme has impacted her:
“Without Kids Club Kampala I would not be going to school. Kids Club Kampala helps me with my school fees and other school requirements like books, school shoes, school bag and uniform. It really encourages me because they always visit me at school and provide the things I need.” Beth*
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 5 is another important goal, which seeks to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. In Uganda,. women and girls can be at an increased risk of violence, abuse and discrimination. 3 out of every 5 unemployed people in Uganda are women.
Through our Women’s Initiatives, we provide specialised support for women living in poverty in the slums of Kampala. Our projects bring women together to undertake skills training sessions. Through these workshops, the women gain confidence, friendships and new support networks. These have the power to be transformational.
We also address SDG 5 by running support groups for girls that focus on talking about issues such as: early and forced marriage, teenage pregnancy, health, sex education, menstrual hygiene and personal security. These groups provide girls with a safe space to discuss ideas, ask difficult questions and receive emotional support. In addition to the group sessions we also offer individual counselling for girls who have been abused, neglected or need support.
Investing in women and adolescent girls is crucial for addressing poverty and contributing to sustainable development.
With your support, we can continue working towards the Sustainable Development Goals, and together we can create a more just future for children and families in Kampala.
You can be part of Kids Club Kampala's future.
*Names have been changed